Pastor Rodney Walker 

2025-01-16   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

Join us on Facebook: Brooklyn Church of God, Inc
317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, January 19th, 2025 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  Wisdom for the New Year - make room for God's Word!

Text: Psalm 119: 9-16

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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.

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  • Sep3Sat

    The Power of Choice and Its Consequences

    September 3, 2016


    Nick Vujicic was born with no legs and no arms.  Nick, like all of us, had no choice in how he was born.   Did God make a mistake?  Was this a cruel joke from His creator?   Although Nick had no choice in how he was born, he did have a choice in what he was going to do with his life.  Was he going  to be angry with God?  Was he going to crawl up and die?  Was he going to be angry with the world?....

  • Aug26Fri

    Do Something

    August 26, 2016


    I don’t know about you, but with all these floods, earthquakes, fires, droughts, tornadoes, violence, terrorism and the moral decay of our culture it makes me wonder if Jesus is not coming back very soon!   And although we should always live our lives in expectation of His eminent return, we cannot let these things paralyze us!  We must be all the more...

  • Aug20Sat

    God's Provision

    August 20, 2016


    Do you believe God’s word to be true?  All of it?   From “In the beginning  God Created” (Genesis) to the last “Amen” of Revelation?  Then you know that you can put your trust in the “The Lord who will provide!”, Jehovah - jireh (or Yahweh yireh, YHWH will provide).  Then you know that you can put your past, present and future into the hands of the One who proclaimed,...

  • Aug12Fri

    A New Way of Living

    August 12, 2016


    I had the opportunity to attend the Global Summit Leadership Conference, and although I didn’t agree or connect with all the speakers, I was inspired and challenged by Bill Hybels,T.D.Jakes, Wilfredo De Jesus, Chris McChesney, Danielle Strickland and John Maxwell.  A common thread from them was the responsibility as leaders to lead people to a preferred future and that people are the focus - I would agree. This conference was not only a tool to sharpen my skills to lead people, but...

  • Aug6Sat


    August 6, 2016


    There is a great little chorus by Bruce Ballinger that goes like this,  “We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him.  We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him.  We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ the Lord.  Worship Him, Christ the Lord.”    

    The word “worship” runs through the Bible.  What is worship?  Is it just a matter of attending church on Sunday, singing a few songs, having prayer, putting the Lord’s tithe in the plate and listening to another sermon? 

    Certainly, these are “acts” of worship, but you can do all these “acts” and still not truly worship.  Only when ...

  • Jul29Fri

    Feeling overwhelmed and distressed?

    July 29, 2016


    “When you’re up against a struggle, that shatters all your dreams and your hopes have been cruelly crushed by Satan’s manifested schemes and you feel the urge within you to submit to earthly fear…”  (lyrics, Praise the Lord)


    If you can relate to these lyrics, you’re in good company.   David, a man after God’s own heart, expressed himself similarly in Psalm chapter 143, verses 3 and 4, “…For the enemy has persecuted my soul; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me dwell in darkness like those who have long been dead.  Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is distressed (“desolate” kjv).”   I think most of us at one time or another have felt overwhelmed or distressed.   What are we to do in these times?  ...


    I felt such a lose for words as I sat down to pen this weeks pastor’s desk.  My heart was heavy and sad for my family and other families that have lost loved ones in recent days and weeks.  My sadness is not for those who died in Christ because to be with Jesus is far better and the bible promises to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!   So my sadness is for those left behind and that void that is now present in their lives.  My heart is also heavy for the state of our country and the downward moral slope we are on.  My heart is heavy for my children and grandchildren, wondering if the Lord should tarry, what kind of world will they be left to live in?   But then,....

  • Jul7Thu

    Take up - The Shield of Faith

    July 7, 2016


    The Apostle Paul exhorts followers of Jesus Christ to “take up the whole armor of God” - why? - “that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.”

    (cf. Ephesians 6: 13)

    It seems we are in that evil day, and evil “appears” to be winning.  There is so much evil in our world, and it seems to be growing worse.  On top of all that is going on in our world, you might be considering your evil day as: loss of a job; a breakup of a marriage; loss of a loved one; a diagnosis of a terminal illness; struggling to make it through the week financially; unexpected difficult  circumstances; maybe experiencing a “Job” kind of year, and we could list many more.  As people of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, what are we to do?...

  • Jun29Wed

    We Need God in America Again

    June 29, 2016


    “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to Whom alone men ought to be obedient.  He reigns in heaven…from the rising to the setting sun, may His Kingdom come.” - Samuel Adams

    As we celebrate another Independence Day it behooves us to remember that our Founding Fathers declared their “dependence” upon the God of the Holy Bible (Genesis - Revelation).  God has blessed America because at one time we...

  • Jun23Thu

    Camp Meeting

    June 23, 2016


    I am looking forward with great expectation to the 51st Central Indiana Camp meeting of the Church of God - I am so thankful for the family of God.  I am so blessed to be a part of that community of faith made up of past, present and “future” brothers and sisters in Christ on earth and in heaven.  This mutual faith in Christ is what unites us, as was penned so well in one of those great Camp Meeting hymns - “O brethren, how this perfect love Unites us all in Jesus!  One heart, and soul, and mind, we prove the union heaven gave us” (chorus, The Bond of Perfectness)  I am praying and hopeful....