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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.
As I continue to recover from the flu, I realize even more now the importance of taking care of my body (as much as lies within my power). I realize that although I think I am in “reasonable” health, it takes a more extensive examination from the professionals, and it takes my active participation (e.g. annual physical, diet, exercise, etc.,…). One reason I purchased a FitBit was so that I can...
“It is surely true that the way gets more uphill and the fight of the enemy stronger as the days go by. There is only one thing that we can do and that is to battle on and battle through. Praise Him, that His grace is sufficient. There are battles ahead for us all as we hold to the old paths and refuse to compromise with this modern craze for an adulterated gospel.” - Leonard Ravenhill
The church in Thyatira was in jeopardy of God’s judgement for going along with an “adulterated gospel”, or that seducing spirit of “Jezebel.” It is a very serious sin to lead others into...
I am sick as I am penning this so my thoughts might be compromised, that is “less then desirable.” Why am I sick? Well in the big picture, it is just part of the fall of mankind because of sin. In the smaller picture, because I was one of those that proudly proclaimed, “I don’t get flu shots!” Certain types of Pride are sin, and I have had to ask the Lord to forgive me, but not getting a flu shot is not a sin, but by not taking the advise of the physicians I...
As we are fresh into a New Year, we seemingly face an uncertain future. Our Nation is in a “free-fall” of moral decay. Our brothers and sisters in Christ in other parts of the world are facing persecution comparable to the early church. We continue to face terrorism in our Nation and around the world. Our economy is “uncertain” at best. Does this take Jesus all by surprise? Does this leave us without hope for the future?...
Happy New Year - 2016…it is hard to believe. I can remember New Years Eve in 1999 thinking “2000!?” - sounds so weird. Then there was all the “end time” predictions. All the talk about the “computer melt down”…Y2K… remember?! Well, obviously 2000 has come and gone and we are still here looking at 2016! Make no mistake about it though,...
Jesus said, “…whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst…” (cf. John 4) As we come together following our Christmas celebration, and looking forward with expectation into 2016 we must ponder these words of Jesus - the “Living Water!” Although I not going to preach and expound on this text (the Holy Spirit has given Brother Jerry that assignment today), I would only draw attention to you and me that just as Jesus was offering to do something new in the life of this Samaritan woman (cf John 4), Jesus desires to do something new in you and me in 2016!
Isaiah said, “Do not...
“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1: 21) Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas! Jesus is not only “the reason for the season”, but He is the reason for life. JESUS is the subject, and YOU are the object of His love. “For God so loved YOU!” Jesus’ greatest desire is that you will come to know Him as your Savior and Lord! Jesus doesn’t stop there,...
Are you experiencing peace? Maybe we should define peace first? Peace according to Webster; 1. Freedom from war or civil disorder. 2. Harmony in human relationships. 3. Quietness
Peace as defined by the Bible dictionary - “Sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His Presence.”
Well, I think we can all come to the conclusion that our world is...
If you have listened to the news recently or picked up any news paper lately you will come to realize very quickly the hash reality of a world gone bad, and getting worse. Is there any hope for mankind? Is there any hope for all the madness that is going on? Is there any hope for tomorrow? The bible...
This Sunday, November 29th marks the start of Advent. The English word advent comes from a Latin word meaning “coming” and is used primarily for the period leading up to Christmas - the celebration of Jesus’ birth! “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” - “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the Word” (John 1: 14; 1: 29)
It my hope and prayer that...