Pastor Rodney Walker 

2024-10-17   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

Join us on Facebook: Brooklyn Church of God, Inc
317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, September 15th, 2024 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  Your Personal Intercession with God

Text: Matthew 6: 9-15

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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.

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  • Jan20Fri

    Discipleship & the Great Commission

    January 20, 2023

    Vision for 2023.  Discipleship and the Great Commission.

    Isaiah said, “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (43: 18-19)   What new thing is Jesus desiring to do in you?  It might be a deeper commitment and devotion to Him.  It might be going back to school.  It might be a new career.  It might be gaining victory over an addiction.  It might be forgiving the unforgivable.  It might be restoring some relationships.  It might be gaining control over your finances or physical condition. It might be experiencing peace within your soul.  It might be getting off the sidelines and being an active participant in the life and ministry of His church body.  I do not know what “specific” new thing Jesus is desiring to do in your life, but I do know He is desiring to do something new in your life, because that is the Character of our God.  He is always present.  He is  always active and creating something new (“Behold, I make all things new” - cf. Revelation 21).  I also know Jesus is desiring to do something new in and through you and me, because that is the call of salvation - to be His disciple.  As His disciple (mathetes, learner, follower) we are set out on this lifelong experience to be shaped into His likeness - a journey marked by progress.  A journey marked by daily submitting our will to His will!  A journey of helping others in their journey with Christ!  Life and ministry is not to be looked upon as two distinct identities, but one in the same.  Discipleship is not to be looked upon as just one more thing I need to be and do, but as a nature way of life as I grow in my walk “that the world my know Him” - “for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

    What “New Thing” is Jesus desiring to do in you? - Commit it to Him!

    Pastor Rodney