Pastor Rodney Walker 

2025-03-14   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

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317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  Denying Christ - if looks could kill

Text: Matthew 26: 69-75

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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.

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  • Vision for 2023.  Equipping for ministry and the Great Commission.

    As I pen this weeks pastor’s desk I received the news that my mother-in-law, Sharon Byrne, is not doing well, and unless the God who created her heals her, she may not have many days here on earth.  I am hesitant to even pen this and post this because I don’t want to come across wrong.  It’s almost like in light of the situation my theme for this week needs to change.  My heart breaks for Becky and all the family - they are suffering and grieving.  Suffering, pain and loss is unfortunately part of the human life.  It is well said, “Grief never ends…but it changes.  It’s a passage, not a place to stay.  Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…it is the price of love.”

    No one new this more than Jesus, the one who suffered, bleed and died for you, me and all of humankind - all because of love.  His death was not the end of the story though, only the end of His suffering.  He rose again, conquering death once and for all and He is coming again.  He promised to all those who believe in Him that to be absent from he body is to be present with Him!  The great commission Jesus gave us is worth it - worth it all!  God is worthy of our worship - worship in the midst of our suffering.  People need to know Jesus in a personal way, and it’s our responsibility to help them see their need for Jesus in this life and the one to come.  It is worth it to follow Jesus and equip ourselves to go out into the world, our sphere of influence, and live out the love for Jesus in our everyday lives.

    As hard as it is, the gospel of Jesus Christ prepares us for times like this.  The gospel gets us through times of suffering and grief because we know this is not our home - we are heaven bound!  Let us continue to be about the great commission until we go on to be with Jesus - “I’ll meet you in the morning!” 

    Pastor Rodney