Pastor Rodney Walker 

2025-03-14   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

Join us on Facebook: Brooklyn Church of God, Inc
317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  Denying Christ - if looks could kill

Text: Matthew 26: 69-75

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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.

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  • Oct30Sun

    Freedom from Insecurity

    October 30, 2022

    “Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy? Thinking you’re not enough for your spouse, children, church, friends—not enough for God? Do you feel too weak or ill-qualified? I’ve experienced those feelings. I often ask myself, “Who am I to write for God?” I’m aware of my weaknesses and unworthiness. I’m not better than others and sometimes feel less than. When someone responds to an article saying it helped or encouraged them, I know it’s because of God’s grace. Mother Teresa once said, “I’m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.” That’s how I feel. I know I fall short as a writer, wife, or mother, and this pains me.” - Susan Aken

    Insecurity is an emotion that nearly everyone of us suffers from at sometime or another.  Improper feelings that tells us we don’t measure up, not good enough, smart enough, educated enough, talented enough, not tall enough, not thin enough, not lovable, not enough Facebook friends, not enough “likes” to our postings and the list goes on and on…

    Maybe we feel insecure due to our past, maybe someone said something or hurt us years ago and we recall those things and feel paralyzed by insecurity.

    If fact, I’m having feeling of insecurity as I write this!

    We can all take comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our feelings of insecurity. Many characters in the Bible felt this way. The prophet Jeremiah in his response to the LORD calling “Ah, LORD GOD! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.”  Jeremiah was actually correct in his assessment of himself, but God could and would!  Our security must come from God and His word!  How He views us, what He says about us. We must quit listening to the voices in our world and in our heads and listen to God!

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you!” - cf. Jeremiah 1 

    Pastor Rodney