Pastor Rodney Walker 

2025-03-21   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

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317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, March 16th, 2025 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  To Live is Christ - To Die is Gain

Text: Philippians 1: 19-24

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Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.

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  • May26Fri

    Honor and Duty

    May 26, 2017


    Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, originated in remembrance of those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country - their life.  They are honored and remembered partly via decorating their graves.  In our day this tradition has extended to all those who have died.   Each year, this day is set aside not only to remember and honor those who have died, but also to remember that our freedom has come with a great price.  These men and women exhibited not only honor for their country, but also duty.  I believe honor and duty go together.   Can we truly show honor without a sense of duty?  As we remember and honor our lost, lets do so with a sense of duty.  We have a responsibility to do our part so that they are not forgotten.  And just as our freedom has come with a price, lets not forget that the salvation of the human soul came with a price - “for the redemption of their soul is costly,” the psalmist would remind us

    (cf. Psalm 49), and that although, “God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave”…, “when (I) die (I) shall carry nothing away.”   It is our duty, not only to remember those who have died, but, it is our duty to live for the one who has the power over the grave - Christ Jesus our Lord!   “So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, we are unprofitable servants.  We have done what is our duty to do.” - Jesus (cf. Luke 17:10)  Honor and Duty!

    God bless, and Godspeed this Memorial Day!

    In His Service,

    Pastor Rodney