Pastor Rodney Walker 

2025-02-05   Brooklyn Church of God                                              

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317-831-1863 (Please leave message) 


Join us Sunday, January 19th, 2025 @ 10:30 for Worship and the preaching of God's Word.

Message:  Wisdom for the New Year - make room for God's Word!

Text: Psalm 119: 9-16

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Just Rodney

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  • Oct30Fri

    When tomorrow starts without me

    October 30, 2020


    “When tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand; The angel said my place was ready, In Heaven far above, and that I’d have to leave behind all those I dearly love.  But when I walked through Heaven’s Gates, I felt so much at home, for God looked down, smiled at me, and told me ‘Welcome Home!’  So when tomorrow starts without me, don’t think we’er far apart, for every time you think of me, I’m right there in your heart.” - unknown

    I love this poem.  Its not just a nice little hopeful poem but one grounded upon the word of God.  I can’t imagine how 2020 could get any worse, but when death hits home it puts everything into proper perspective - the temporary over the eternal.  This life is all about relationships.  Past, present, future, and thanks to Jesus - eternal relationships! 

    Jesus is supreme.  He has all authority and He is sovereign.  Because of Jesus when a brother or sister in Christ dies, it is not ‘good-bye,’ but ‘I will see you later.’  The eternal is what Jesus was conveying when He proclaimed, “I am the bread of life…I am the light of the world…I am the door…I am the shepherd…I am the resurrection and the life…I am the way…I am the true vine.” (cf. John)

    The most urgent need of the moment is for people to come to Jesus Christ!  You say, ‘I am a Christ follow’ - great!  Continue to focus on the supremacy and ‘I Ams’ of Jesus.  The ‘I am’ will sustain you even in the worst of times!

    “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, both now and forever.  Amen.” - Jude 24-25

    “And with your final heartbeat kiss the world goodbye, then go in peace, and laugh on Glory’s side, and fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus and live! (Lyrics “come to Jesus” by Chris Rice 

    In Christ Alone,

    Pastor Rodney