Just Rodney

Each week, you will find brief insights on this blog page into Pastor Rodney's upcoming Sunday message. After each Sunday service, visit this blog again to view the same post, updated with a video of our worship time.
How would you define success? Webster defines as, “degree or measure of succeeding. Favorable or desired outcome.”
Put another way, “the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted.”
The 2 hour barrier for the Marathon (26.2 miles) was successful last week when Eliud Kipchoge ran 1:59:40 (4:34 per mile pace)! Wow - thought to be humanly impossible!
I know that not all can relate to this running time, nor do most of you really care, but my point is in how we measure success. Here are some one sentence statements that can express success: setting goals; always doing your best; believing you can - 99% attitude, 1% aptitude; overcoming fear; learning something new; learning that losing a few battles help you win a war; loving and being loved; not giving up; celebrating small victories; balance work worth passion. Winston Churchill said that, “success is being relentless!” Can success really be defined in one sentence? I believe it can - “I follow Jesus!” Of all the things that we are successful at in this life, there is only one that we will carry on into eternity and that is - following Jesus! The early believers lived and believed this. Success in not comparing yourself to others, whether it be in earthly goals or spiritually. There is danger in comparing ourself to others. If I compared my running times to Eliud, I would be a failure and quite running. If I compared myself to the late Rev. Billy Graham, I would be a failure and give up preaching. We can all get in a trap of comparison. The Apostle Peter had the same problem when Jesus foretold him of his future in John 21. And Peter, seeing the Apostle John said, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus’ answer to Peter is the same to you and me - “YOU follow Me!” Let’s be careful how we measure success and quit the comparison game. By the grace of God let us measure success by our commitment to “Follow Jesus” The author and finisher of our faith!
In His Service,
Pastor Rodney